14 October 2024
Liam Holt
We are pleased to announce that the CPB is supporting the seminar hosting Dr. Liam Holt, Associate Professor from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the Institute for Systems Genetics, NYU.
Chromatin compaction confers crowding control
Liam studies fundamental biology, with a focus on information processing, mechanobiology, stem cells, and evolution. His work sits at the intersection of physics and biology, focusing on how mechanical compression affects cell biology. He has a particular interest in how compression alters chromatin organization and drives disease. Using a combination of imaging and rheology techniques, he explores how crowding and changes in the physical properties of cells can influence cellular behaviour.
Time/Location: Monday, 14th October at 14:00, Pfizer Lecture Theatre, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry (Lensfield Road, CB2 1EW)