Physics of Living Matter Symposium 2022 - PLM16
The conference will take place in two parts:
- September 27 & 28 in France: organized by CENTURI, this part of the event will take place at the Palais du Pharo, in Marseille, with an online access for Cambridge participants.
- September 29 & 30 in the UK: organized by Cambridge University, this part of the event will take place at Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge, with an online access for Marseille participants.
Registrations to PLM 16 in Cambridge are open until the 10th September.
You can find the registration link and other important information the website
Scientific Programme (full progamme here)
Invited speakers:
Tony HYMAN (MPI-CBG Dresden, Germany) - Bragg Lecturer;
Anna ERZBERGER (EMBL, Germany)
Clare BUCKLEY (University of Cambridge, UK
Edouard HANNEZO (IST, Austria)
Elias BARRIGA (IGC, Portugal)
Ilya LEVENTAL (University of Virginia, USA)
Julien VERMOT (Imperial College London, UK)
Laura MACHESKY (University of Glasgow, UK)
Liam HOLT (New York University, USA)
Maria ALCOLEA (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK)
Pavan RAMDYA (EPFL, Switzerland)
Rashmi PRIYA (Francis Crick Institute, UK)
Tim SAUNDERS (University of Warwick, UK)
Cambridge Organisers:
Kevin Chalut
Ewa Paluch
Kristian Franze
Diana Fusco
James Locke
Registration fees:
Students: £100
Academics: £170
Corporate: £270
The registration fees cover access to all talks (both for online access at Marseille and in-person access at Cambridge), poster sessions, coffee breaks, lunch (September 29 & 230) & party (September 29).